Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Wedding... Part 12 - Speeches

Every wedding has one thing in common - no matter how much you plan out every last detail, something will go not according to plan. I had spreadsheets, I made copies to give to every single person involved, I had lists and schedules. This part of the wedding was where things started to fall apart...

The MC that we had appointed within weeks of our engagement had fallen ill the week before our wedding, and we had to fill his position at the last minute. The new MC, Richard, worked with Aaron and did as great a job as he could, but he announced things he wasn't supposed to announce and pronounced people's names incorrectly. But he tried!

My dad welcomed all the guests to the wedding, and reminded everyone to not drink and drive!

Dinner was supposed to be served at 6pm sharp, but when I was told that it would be late, I was starting to get antsy and anxious. I felt uncomfortable sitting at the head table with all eyes on me, and nothing happening. This is when my MOH, always the thinker, announced that maybe she and the best man should do their speeches. Perfect!

Jay was up first... and her speech was thoughtful, poignant, and heart-felt. I cried, and Aaron didn't quite know what was going on! LOL!

Mike and Aaron have been friends since they were about 15 years old. He told the story of how they met, and how uncomfortable Aaron was around girls. He said that he never thought Aaron would find a woman who "got" him and then he said how happy he was that I found him.

He also said some very funny things that escape me now! :)

Up Next: We Finally Eat!

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