Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Sweet, Sweet Smell of Coffee...

I'm a through and through coffee lover! I love the smell of coffee, the taste of coffee, the effects of coffee. I love coffee desserts, coffee ice cream, coffee candy, coffee scratch-and-sniff stickers. Every morning Aaron makes me my latte to take to work. Every. Single. Morning. Without fail.
Since finding out we were expecting, I just haven't wanted it as much. I love the thought of it, but it's a struggle to drink it. I don't know if it's because it's so hot outside, and I don't want to drink a hot drink. Maybe it's because Peanut doesn't like coffee. Or perhaps subconsciously I know I'm not really supposed to consume it while carrying. I miss it like crazy though. 

Maybe once this first trimester is over (3 more days to go!) I'll be ready for some sweet, sweet coffee loving again. Maybe I won't enjoy it until after Peanut arrives. I don't know. But life's not quite the same without my caffeinated friend pumping through my veins!

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