Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I've been told that I have an incredible memory for details. I remember things, people, places, events, and small insignificant details that others may forget. I have one of those brains that can retain strange facts and absurd information, and yet sometimes I forget that every Monday is garbage day. It's a curse.

Lately I have found myself gauging my life as BA and AA - or before Aaron and after Aaron. I have always had that kind of mind - using a year or event to remember when something else happened. For instance - I remember when my cousin and his wife got married because it was the same year I was training for my Hawaii marathon. It was the same year my cat died and my friend died on NYE. So it's easy to remember. My aunt was sure that Aaron met Colby after he was born, but he was definitely born AA because we met him at the hospital. Aaron started coming around when Calista was a year and a half - I remember because at her second Christmas, cuddled in her pyjamas, Aaron was already reading her stories on his lap and she was already comfortable enough with him to tug on his beard. It was our first Christmas and my aunt whispered to me that he was a keeper. After Aaron. Sometimes Aaron will wonder when he last saw someone - and we can think back by years - before Tara or after Tara.

I've always used memory techniques for things, whether studying, planning an event, or helping munchkins learn to read. In high school to remember the periodic table - AU vs AG: AU - Hey U - come back with my GOLD! vs AG - Ah Gee, you got away with the SILVER. Ha ha! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Anyways, I'm bringing up this subject, in a long winded way, because I realized on the weekend that my life BA was amazing and fun and crazy and fueled by long nights of dancing and drinking and... things my future child doesn't need to know about E.V.E.R.! But my life AA is the best time of my life. He is everything to me and BA was just wasting time until AA arrived. I never thought that as a woman who believes whole-heartedly in the feminist revolution I would say that life just wasn't complete before a man, but he makes the pieces of my puzzle fit properly. And I'm not ashamed to say that. He fills me up and gives me the kind of satisfaction you only get from whole, complete love.

We are getting ready for a change - BB and AB - before baby and after baby. I'm sure this will change all my memories going forward. I'm sure I will forget a lot too. I'm sure this child will break me down to the core and make me a better human being and woman and give me reason to change my thought process. Bring it on, baby. I am ready for new memories. 

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