It wasn't my intention for this blog to become a forum to vent necessarily, but right now, it's the only thing I want to do, so here it goes!
Since becoming pregnant, I have experienced some of the best and the worst in people. Just like with my wedding, it seems that big life events really shine a light on the people in your life, and you either love them for it or want to scream at them for it.
Recently, I've been really disappointed. I had 2 people in my life offer me things for the baby that they would no longer use, as they are done having children, and once I accepted, they asked for money. I also had someone offer us a lot of things only to turn around and donate it to charity out from under us.
I understand the need as newish parents to want to earn back some of the enormous amounts of money you spend on a new baby, but to offer a pregnant couple something and then ask for money astounds me. You see, I'm a firm believer in karma. I believe that you get back from the world what you put in, and you get back from your friends what you put in. I believe that when you do something good, you will get goodness back. But I'm disappointed in a lot of people and their outright lack of compassion for our situation. We got married last year, purchased our first home, and made a baby - all in the span of 6 months. It's been a whirlwind, but as we soar through our 30's, it was time to do it. It was my sincere hope that the people around us, whether directly or indirectly, would support us in whatever way they could.
I will remember this feeling when it's our turn. I will offer what I can offer to the people who matter and deserve it. In fact, I've offered up things I had left over from my wedding to 2 people I know getting married in 2014 because I can... because I want to! I believe, with everything in my being, that if you can help out a couple with a young child, you should. We hired a mechanic who works from home because he has a new daughter and a new home - he needed the money and we needed the service. We could have saved some money and went somewhere else, but he needed our business for his family's well-being.
My rambling is useless really but I needed to vent. I feel like we have always offered help to our family and friends, and rarely ask for help in return. I feel like it's our turn to receive some kindness, and I feel like people are taking advantage of the situation, and I'm stuck on where to go from here.
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