Friday, June 28, 2013

Spilling the Beans to the Girls

My girlfriends and I are all very busy. Two of them are pregnant with their first child, one is a mom to a very busy 12 year old, and the other is busy being fabulous! So to get all of them together in one room since my wedding has been a challenge. When we all agreed on a lunch date that worked for all of us, I didn't know that I was pregnant yet. When I found out that we were expecting, I had to wait 2 whole weeks until this set lunch date to tell my favorite friends the exciting news.

We all met at The Cactus Club patio and started chatting right away about the 2 new babies on the way, about all of our lives, about our mutual friends. Like each time I'd divulged the big news, I had so many butterflies in my tummy. I didn't know how any of them would react. I knew they'd be happy, but I was scared nonetheless.

I announced that I had a little gift for Jay. I presented her with a box, inside was a little onesie that said "My best friend is cuter than your best friend". She didn't get it. Neither did any of the girls. I then had to say it was to take her to the hospital in. Jay said "You mean home from the hospital?" "No," I said, "to the hospital... to visit." Emily got it first and jumped out of her seat... all 31 weeks of her! :) Then they all realized I was pregnant, and it was hugs and tears all around. Jay wasn't surprised, but the other 3 were.

Afterwards, Lizz told the waitress the news, and after we finished our lunch we were presented with a congratulations cake from the restaurant.

I was so relieved that everyone was so happy and encouraging. They all sent me sweet messages later to say how excited they were for us... and I hope that they can all be Peanut's aunties in his/her life forever. It's especially exciting because Peanut will have 2 little friends very close in age, and I will have a lot of support from other new moms. We'll even all be on mat leave together for a while!

I still had to tell my work, my extended family, and a few other good friends, but so far, most of the important people in our lives were aware of this huge change in our lives, and everyone was very thrilled to meet this little person!

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