I think I've mentioned already, but we opted to forgo some of the "traditional" events in weddings such as the garter and bouquet tosses. We agreed that because the majority of our guests were not technically single, it would be kind of pathetic to have 3 people waiting to catch the bouquet!
Instead, we decided to do an anniversary dance. The DJ called all the married couples to the dance floor, and as he called off numbers, who ever had been married that number of years was asked to leave the floor.
We danced to "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri.
The first to leave, obviously, was me and Aaron! :)
The next couple, Ariana and Anthony, had been married 2 months before us, and were sad to be kicked off! :)
Some of the couples had been married a year, some 5 or 8...
Some had been married over 20...
And then the numbers rose exponentially...
35 years - 3 couples remaining...
And then to 2... it was down to my Auntie Robin and Uncle Ted and my in-laws...
My in-laws were the last ones standing at 44 years! I presented my mother-in-law with my bouquet, and she was beyond thrilled! It was a wonderful moment to present my new parents the gift of the longest marriage from a couple just married!
PS - I knew how long they'd been married, and hoped they'd win. Lee has since told me that she dried my bouquet and safely tucked it away in a box with memories of the wedding. I'm so very touched at how much the entire process meant to her.
Up Next: We party!
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