Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Best Friend's Baby...

I've spoken before about how fun it's been to go through pregnancy with my 2 best friends. They both had different pregnancies with different outcomes. Jay's water broke on Thursday evening around 9pm. I got the alert at 10:37pm.

I couldn't sleep, work, or think all day on Friday. My best friend was in labor and I was 45 minutes away. At 9:23pm, Jay and her husband welcomed Charlotte into this world, and their lives forever changed. She was healthy, beautiful, and stubborn just like her mom!

Something happens to you when the people you love the most in the entire world become parents. It happened when Emily brought Daniel into the world, and again with Charlotte. Suddenly the women in my life, my rocks, my support system were mothers to beautiful babies. I didn't know what my reaction would be. I knew I was happy for my friends, but what would their impending motherhood do to me? What it did in both cases was bring me such a feeling of overwhelming pride, happiness, and joy. These little people have changed my best friends immensely. They have made these strong women stronger. They have given these generous women an outlet for their love. They have tasked these kind women with the enormous goal of being the best mothers they can be because these tiny creatures deserve the kind of moms I know that my friends will be.

As their friend, not as an expectant mother, I'm deeply connected with these babies and would do anything for them. They are always at the front of my thoughts, always in my heart, always in my future plans. I want them to be friends with my baby. I want us to be family.

Welcome to the world Charlotte... I can't wait to see who you become!

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