My view when I look down... 24 weeks.
Q. Is your husband excited?
A. He's very excited! He kisses my belly and talks to the baby. I think he's afraid, like I am, of what changes may be in store like finances and time management, but he's also so excited by the thought of a baby in our home and our lives.
Q. How are you feeling?
A. I'm very tired. I'm a little bit stressed because of everything we have to get done, but I've also been told that I'm glowing. I think it's sweat, but others claim it's a "glow".
Q. Do you have any cravings?
A. I've had a million cravings. My friends didn't so much, but I get them almost on a weekly basis. At first it was watermelon and lemonaide. Then it was cheese dip with nacho chips. Then it was Thai food. It's still Thai food in fact. Right now it's also chocolate milk and candy. I also randomly want cookies, olives, blue cheese, avocados, or pomegranites.
Q. Do you know what you're having?
A. My husband didn't want to know. In fact, he was adamant that we shouldn't find out. He thinks it's one of the only real surprises in life. At first, I was fighting him tooth and nail to find out, but now that we are only 14 weeks away, I feel like it's a little easier to hold on until we meet Peanut.
Q. Follow up - Do you feel like you know what you're having?
A. In all honesty, I really want a girl and Aaron really wants a boy. I've just always wanted a girl first, then a boy. Do I feel like I know? Not really. I have a lot of the "old wives tale" symptoms of a girl, and many people tell me that I carry like it's a girl, but I don't believe in any of that because I thought Jay was having a boy and Emily was having a girl so I'm 0 for 2!
Q. Do you have names picked out?
A. I did a lot of research in the beginning on names and their meanings. I would email Aaron and find out what he thought. We made lists of our favorites. He has a favorite girl name. I have one for each. And then we both have back-ups. But do we agree on any names? Not yet. We're not sharing our names because we feel that people are too judgmental. We also just want to meet the baby for the first time and see what she/he looks like. We may name him Bob beforehand, but he could look more like a John. :)
Q. Do you feel the baby kicking?
A. Yes, I sure do. It's getting higher and higher as well, which is fun and distracting all at the same time. But now Aaron can feel the baby as well. That's probably been the most fun thing of all for me - feeling the movement and sharing it with Daddy.
Q. Is the nursery finished?
A. Not even a little bit!!! My family is coming over for my birthday next month and we're all going to work on it together. The theme is picked out, the crib is purchased, and some of the furniture is at our house waiting to be worked on. We still have to pick out paint colors and get some of the cute touches together. I am super duper thrilled to get everything eventually put away and in their place, and I think until that happens, my anxiety will be a little high. Aaron and his dad will be working on the dresser and rocking chair after their move is complete.
Q. How are you handling your changing body?
A. Not very well. Period. I knew I'd gain weight, but I didn't think I'd gain it in my arms, my back, my hips... I thought I'd just get a big belly. I didn't think that I would be so uncomfortable this soon. I didn't think I'd lose so much energy. I thought I'd go to yoga and aquafit and walk every day. I just don't have the energy to go, nor the finances. I'd rather put the money towards baby.
Q. Are you taking birthing classes?
A. Yes, Aaron and I start next week. It's a 6 week course, and we're both excited to learn, but scared to know some of the gory facts that go along with childbirth! I think Aaron feels weird about it, but we heard from my BFF and her hubby that it was one of their best parental decisions.
Q. Are you planning a natural birth?
A. I am planning on no drugs, but if things start to go awry, I'm screaming for pain killers! It's no time to play hero, ladies! I don't want an IV, but if worse comes to worse, I'll get the epidural. My mom didn't have drugs for me or my brother, and I like to think I have a high pain threshold (like grabbing a red hot cast iron skillet handle last night with my bare hand and not even crying)... and I did have kidney stones in 2011 which some people say is more painful than childbirth. But I cried for drugs in that instance, so I just don't know. I can't plan for what will happen, but I have high hopes that things will be okay.
That's pretty much it... so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!