Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Training for Weight Loss and Goals

I've never been a runner. Even with I was a kid, I couldn't run fast or long distances. It just wasn't how I was built. I was a decent base-stealer in softball, but after I tore my knee ligaments when I was 17, my softball career came to a crashing hault.

But I've decided that I need to set a fitness goal for myself in order to get trim and fit before my wedding. So I'm going to attempt something after we get back from our Vegas trip in October - train for the Sun Run.

Every year in Vancouver there is a 10km race through Stanley Park and downtown called the Sun Run. Thousands of people do it annually, and I've walked it once but didn't have a great time doing it by myself. But this year I'm going to train to walk/run it, put on my Ipod, and see if I can do it in less than an hour and a half. I'm excited to train, I'm excited to complete it, and I'm excited to see what it all does to my body.

13.7lbs down and another 17lbs to go...

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